
$ 2895.00

Virtual MX for Amazon Web Services

SKU: vMX100 Categories: ,


vMX100  Virtual MX is a virtual instance of a Meraki security appliance, dedicated specifically to providing the simple configuration benefits of site-to-site Auto VPN for customers running or migrating IT services to an Amazon Web Services Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). A virtual MX is added as an instance on EC2 and then configured in the Meraki dashboard, just like any other MX. It functions like a VPN concentrator.

An Auto VPN to a virtual MX is like having a direct Ethernet connection to a private datacenter. The virtual MX can support up to 500 Mbps of VPN throughput, providing ample bandwidth for mission critical IT services hosted in AWS, like Active Directory, logging, or file and print services.

Secure connections built to a virtual MX benefit from the same SD-WAN capabilities as a physical MX appliance. An optimal path can be maintained using Dynamic Path Selection, for traffic destined for regular servers in a datacenter behind a physical MX, or EC2 virtual servers behind a virtual MX.


Available from Equip Networks call 02 9363 0700 or email sales@equipnetworks.com.au


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